Why?-'Cause that dowsing rod of yours, it's poison oak. 因为你的魔杖,是毒漆树做成的。
But if that was poison oak don't you think I'd be very 可是如果这是毒橡树,你不觉得我早就应该
Gave me poison oak, too. 把橡树草的毒也传给了我。
A contact hypersensitivity such as poison oak dermatitis is initiated be contact with the antigen, which is also called the allergen. 接触性皮炎,如毒漆藤皮炎,是从接触抗原开始的,就是那个也被叫做变应原的东西。
Antigens such as those in poison oak and poison ivy are most often responsible for this appearance. 如毒橡树和毒叶藤之类的抗原常引起。
We got some poison oak on our hands. 我们手上拿着有毒的橡树枝。